You are seeing duplicate entries in Write Ignore Rules in the UI after importing cache rules from another environment. In addition, importing cache rules hangs indefinitely on the UI while in the background it is trying to repeat the import every minute, and logs the following errors in the /data/logs/<date>/api.error.<datetime> log file:
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ClientIp= HTTP_REFERER=https://<ip addr>/ SERVER_ADDR=<ip addr>
HTTP_HOST=<ip addr> REQUEST_URI=/app/php/import_cache_csv.php
DATA="ERROR: me_GetAttributeTranslationList Pattern Already exist"
Removing the duplicated stored procedures takes the error to the cache patterns:
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ClientIp=<ip addr> HTTP_REFERER=https://<ip addr>/ SERVER_ADDR=<ip addr>
HTTP_HOST=<ip addr> REQUEST_URI=/app/php/import_cache_csv.php
DATA="ERROR: SELECT\sMIN\(\[PageNumber\]\)\sAS\sFirstPage,\sMAX\(\[PageNumber\]\)\sAS\sLastPage\s
FROM\s\[tablename\]\.\[CatalogPages_en\-US\]\sWHERE\s\[CatalogId\]\s\=\s(([ -.]|)[0-9.] )
Pattern Already exist"
Cache usage drops down to zero to indicate there are no caching rules in effect.
Executing the same import on a newly created cluster proceeds successfully without errors.
The cache rules import task is designed to perform the restore in a new cluster. Running the import on an existing cluster with existing rules will result in longer UI response times and unexpected behavior such as the duplicates issue and the UI hanging indefinitely.
The issue has not been observed on a system running ScaleArc 2021.1 release and on a freshly created cluster hence customers encountering this problem should upgrade to this release or newer and avoid refreshing cache rules by importing over existing rules.
Priyanka Bhotika